Wednesday, May 27, 2009


It is incredibly difficult to narrow it down to just a few pictures of Lilly that I liked from the trip so, this post has more photos than usual.

We arrived at the resort after lunch time, unloaded and head to the restaurant. Having been stuck on a plane or in the airport for hours Lilly was ready to do anything but sit at a table. Since we were eating outside she and I took a walk to the beach. She is running from a wave.

Checking out the water feature in the restaurant.

While Lilly has issues with some textures sand is definitely not one of them. While we ate she was bathing in sand.

She was covered in sand from head to toe.

The little monkey in a tree.

Lilly and Daddy

Guess who has been watching The Little Mermaid.
She is using her dinglehopper.

© Michelle Hines

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